Antwerpen Maart Zon (Antwerp, March, Sun) is a bibliophile reprint of Michel Seuphor’s Dutch poem published in Het Overzicht. The original text is accompanied by a French translation by Seuphor (Mercator catalog) and a German translation by Willink (published in Der Sturm in 1923). It is followed by an afterword by Agnès Caers. Published by De Blauwe Reiger.
ISBN 90-805077-2-5; D/2001/8674/I
Antwerpen Maart Zon (Antwerp, March, Sun) is a bibliophile reprint of Michel Seuphor’s Dutch poem published in Het Overzicht. The original text is accompanied by a French translation by Seuphor (Mercator catalog) and a German translation by Willink (published in Der Sturm in 1923). It is followed by an afterword by Agnès Caers. Published by De Blauwe Reiger.
ISBN 90-805077-2-5; D/2001/8674/I